Thursday, January 12, 2012

Non Professional Driver's License Fee and Requirements

Here is our list of the different non professional driver's license fees to be paid by the LTO license applicant. Application forms are available at the designated branches of the Land Transportation Office in your area. visit our list of branches above to see hotline numbers and location address guide.

Non-Professional Driver's License Qualifications, Fees and Requirements


  1. Must be at least seventeen (17) years old
  2. Must be physically and mentally fit to operate a motor vehicle
  3. Must not be a drug user or alcoholic
  4. Must be able to read and write in Filipino or English
  5. Must be clean, neat and presentable (wearing of sando, playing shorts and slippers during photo-taking & examinations will not be allowed).

  1. Duly accomplished Application Form for Driver’s License (ADL)
  2. Valid Student Permit (at least 1 month old)
  3. Medical Certificate with official receipt (from LTO accredited or Government physician)
  4. Negative drug test result (from a DOH accredited drug testing center & Government Hospital)
  5. Taxpayer’s Identification Number (TIN)
  6. Must have passed the LTO conducted written and practical examinations.
 Fees and Charges:

Application Fee 100.00
Computer Fee 67.63
Total Php 167.63

License Fee 350.00
Computer Fee 67.63
Total - P 417.63

If you are just on your driver's license renewal process, I strongly suggest that you go to the nearest mall where you can find LTO kiosks and branches that accept license renewal. It is easier there and with little less to no fixers at all bugging you.


Questioner said...

How much would the renewal of driver's license cost? Also, there is a problem with my name and address in the license and I hope to fix it. I was referred to the main office for this task. How much would it cost to fix both?

Anonymous said...

How much is the charge for taking the practical exam?

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